Szanowni Państwo,
Uniwersytet Gdański – Lider Projektu SEAPLANSPACE Marine spatial planning instruments for sustainable marine governance”, Interreg South Baltic 2014 – 2020 ma przyjemność zaprosić na spotkanie upowszechniające rezultaty projektu SEAPLANSPACE w środowisku lokalnym pt. 
„Potencjału rozwoju regionalnego rynku pracy w kontekście wdrożenia planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich w wybranych sektorach gospodarki morskiej”
Celem spotkania będzie wspólne wypracowanie rozwiązań oraz wniosków dla regionalnego rynku pracy w związku z wdrażaniem Planu zagospodarowania obszarów morskich.

Gdański Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości STARTER; 80-386 Gdańsk ul. Lęborska 3b

8 grudnia 2021 r., w godzinach 9:30 – 14:30.

Osoby zainteresowane uczestnictwem w spotkaniu uprzejmie prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa w terminie do 6 grudnia 2021 r. godz. 15:00 na adres mailowy:

Potwierdzenie uczestnictwa niezbędne jest w celu zachowania wszelkich zasad bezpieczeństwa oraz przepisów sanitarno-epidemiologicznych.
Prosimy również osoby zaszczepione o deklarację przyjęcia pełnej dawki szczepionki przeciw wirusowi SARS-Cov2. Ta informacji jest niezbędna dla prawidłowego ustalenia limitu osób, które mogą uczestniczyć w spotkaniu. Osoby zaszczepione nie są wliczane do limitu osób spotkań publicznych.

Serdecznie zapraszamy



Instrumenty morskiego planowania przestrzennego na rzecz zrównoważonego zarządzania morzem 

Końcowe wspólne spotkanie projektowe 21-22 października 2021 r. 

W dniach 21-22 października 2021 r. na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim odbędzie się konferencja podsumowująca projekt SEAPLANSPACE realizowany dzięki współfinansowaniu z Programu Interreg Południowy Bałtyk 2014-2020.

Podczas Konferencji zaprezentowane zostaną najważniejsze osiągnięcia wszystkich partnerów projektu SEAPLANSPACE, oraz wyzwania morskiego planowania przestrzennego (MSP), a także wizja przyszłości zrównoważonego zarządzania morzem w obszarze Południowego Bałtyku. Konferencja odbędzie się w formule hybrydowej.


Serdecznie Państwa zapraszamy do udziału w konferencji SEAPLANSPACE.

Jednym z osiągnięć projektu SEAPLANSPACE są webinaria z zakresu morskiego planowania przestrzennego (z napisami w języku angielskim i polskim) dostępne on-line na stronie



Marine spatial planning instruments for sustainable marine governance 

Final Joint Project Meeting 21-22 October 2021 

SEAPLANSPACE Final Joint Project Meeting will take place on October 21-22, 2021 in Gdańsk, Poland. The place of the main sessions is the University of Gdańsk (Lead Partner of the SEAPLANSPACE Project). The meeting finalizes the SEAPLANSPACE project, which is implemented with co-financing from the South Baltic Interreg Program 2014-2020.

The most important achievements of all partners of the SEAPLANSPACE Project will be presented during this meeting, as well as the challenges of marine spatial planning (MSP) and a vision for the future of sustainable marine governance in the South Baltic Sea area. SEAPLANSPACE meeting will be held in a hybrid formula.


We kindly invite you to participate in SEAPLANSPACE Final Joint Project Meeting.

One of the achievements of the SEAPLANSPACE project are MSP webinars (with subtitles in English and Polish) available on-line at

SEAPLANSPACE 7th partner meeting on Bornholm,

September 15 17th, 2021

The 4th Baltic MSP Forum

June 1-2, 2021

We would like to invite everyone interested in the topic of MSP to the fourth edition of the event under the title “Baltic MSP Forum” organized by Interreg BSR projects Capacity4MSP and Land-Sea-Act. The event is designed to bring together the maritime spatial planning (MSP) community to discuss, share, learn and develop new ideas to enhance MSP in the region. The event will take place on June 1-2, 2021.
For more information, please visit the following website:

UMBRELLA- Boosting cross-border cooperation capacities of small actors in the South Baltic Sea

2.12.2020 10.00 CET-15.00 CET

On behalf of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic as Lead Partner of Umbrella Project and behalf of the whole project partnership,

We want to invite you to our final conference. We will present our project events & activities. But as promised, Umbrella was only the first step for something bigger, and we would like to anticipate that we will have an Umbrella 2.0 in 2021.

Three years have passed since Umbrella was approved by INTERREG South Baltic Programme and launched by the partnership.

This project was needed since research showed that the South Baltic Programme was still poorly available to small organizations because of insufficient institutional and financial capacities, communication barriers, lack of English language skills, lack of competencies and capacities for project development and implementation. What observed in the frame of the South Baltic Programme could be generalized also for other European grants and other local cross-border cooperation opportunities in the South Baltic Sea area.

The overall objective of the project was to initiate a process of the capacity building involving small municipalities, NGOs and other local/ regional organizations to transfer the knowledge and capacities and to include them in the current cross-border cooperation networks.

Today we can finally state that we’ve achieved over expected results and we would like to share them with you.

The event will be held online using the platform: ZOOM Webinar, the link will be sent to the registered participant before the meeting. Join us and register now:

The webpage of the conference:

The members of the SEAPLANSPACE Project Team participated in the 11th EUSBSR Annual Forum “Our Region, Our Future – Towards a Decade of Innovation and Sustainability”.
The Forum was organised for the very first time online as a virtual event, broadcasted from Turku, Finland on 20 October 2020. The themes of this year’s Forum were sustainability and innovations.

The Forum discussed how to cooperate effectively even during times such as a global pandemic. It discussed also emerging areas of cooperation and the future of the EUSBSR in the next decade. Over 800 participants had registered to the event to discuss developments and challenges in the Baltic Sea Region.

11 th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR

16-17 June 2020 Turku, Finland

The main purpose of the Forum is to gather stakeholders and to discuss how to best cooperate within the EUSBSR framework and how to tackle topical challenges on a macro- regional level. Many challenges in the Baltic Sea Region are common for several countries and have a cross-sectoral nature. The solutions to these challenges benefit from being addressed together by various countries and sectors. The Annual Forum 2020 will facilitate a stronger dialogue among stakeholders from different countries and sectors. The aim is to form innovative constellations to find common approaches, which will contribute to the three objectives of the Strategy; Save the Sea, Connect the Region, Increase Prosperity.

Due to the COVID 19 restrictions the Forum has been postponed.

European Maritime Day

14-15 May 2020, Cork, Ireland

The European Maritime Day (EMD) Conference and Expo is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy.

Due to the COVID 19 restrictions the Conference was cancelled.

SEAPLANSPACE 3rd Project Meeting

6-7 May 2019, Klaipeda,  Lithuania

A regular project meeting. Discussion on critical issues connected with the implementation of Project, exchange of views and summing up of the reporting period of 01.10.2018-31.03.2019. Each Partner presents WP achievements.


05 – 07 May 2020, Gudhjem, Denmark

Project meeting. Discussion, exchange of views and reporting . Each partner presents his/her team’s achievements.

Due to the COVID 19 restrictions the Project meeting was on-line.


International part

23-26 January 2020, University of Gdańsk

The international part of the SEAPLANSPACE Maritime Spatial Planning training was conducted by Ramunas Povilanskas, Suzanne Altvater,  Angela Schultz-Zehden and Kira Gee (the last lecturer – via Skype). The trainings consisted workshop parts and interactive sessions.

SEAPLANSPACE training subjects include: environmental assessments in planning (e.g. ecosystem services), transboundary MSP, Blue Economy – sectors and conflicts, culturally significant areas.

The presentation via Skype was held on the issues of MSP from the field of culturally significant areas.

The international part of the SEAPLANSPACE training is a great opportunity to meet outstanding international professionals in marine spatial planning.

SEAPLANSPACE – 4rd Project Meeting

24-25 October 2019, Malmo, Sweden

Discussion on Project’s progress and the next steps. Each partner presents WP achievements. Discussion on manuals and web portal of the Project.

MSP Forum

19-21 November 2019, Riga, Latvia

Joint event of the 4th International MSP FORUM. 3rd Baltic MSP Forum and the final conference of the Pan Baltic Scope collaboration. Promotion of the SEAPLANSPACE Project, discussion on achievements, exchange of views and contacts.


First Edition, Nov. 2019-Jan. 2020
Hosted by University of Gdańsk

The first edition of the SEAPLANSPACE training ended with an international workshop. The training started in November 2019 and ended in January 2020.

The 80 hours training is divided into five modules. The first two modules are general in nature – during this part issues like terminology, objectives, instruments, role and functions of MSP are discussed (8 hours) and the detailed part is devoted to four interrelated aspects of MSP: ecological, social, economic and legal (16 hours). The third module is practical and based on case-studies. The activities in this module are as follows: shipping and sea ports; fisheries and aquaculture; protection of sea coasts; marine protected areas; underwater cultural heritage; tourism, sport and recreation; state defense and security; wind energy and infrastructure; marine mining (24 hours). During the fourth module the process of MSP is presented (including development, monitoring, public participation and cross-border cooperation – 12 hours). The aim of the last module is to discuss the MSP issues with experts from the foreign institutions (20 hours).

The second edition of the SEAPLANSPACE training was supposed to start in March 2020 but due to the COVID-19 restrictions has been postponed until September.
See more at:

Kick-off Meeting


The Kick-off Meeting of the Interreg South Baltic SEAPLANSPACE Project – led by the University of Gdańsk – took place in Gdańsk (Poland) on 16-17 March 2018.

The first day of the Kick-off Meeting took place in the main library of the University of Gdańsk at presence of 22 participants. The Kick-off Meeting consisted of three parts. The first part was dedicated to welcome speeches, substantive presentation of the JS representative, familiarization with project partners and WP3 Structure Overview (Marine Governance Network) by WP 3 Coordinator World Maritime University, Sweden. Due to the presence of the JS representative, the issues of the Partnership Agreement were discussed.The second part of the Kick-off Meeting was devoted to the presentation of: WP4 Structure Overview (Manuals) by WP4 Coordinator EUCC Germany, WP5 Structure Overview (Workshops) by WP5 Coordinator EUCC Baltic Office from Lithuania and WP6 Structure Overview (Project Website) by WP6 Coordinator Aalborg University, Denmark. The third part Kick-off Meeting concerned the WP1 Structure Overview (Project Management), as well as WP2 Structure Overview (Communication & Dissemination) presented by WP1 and WP2 Coordinator – the University of Gdańsk, Poland (SEAPLANSPACE Lead Partner). At the end of this day the project manager summed up the Kick-off Meeting and pointed out the next steps.

The second day of the Kick-off Meeting (individual consultations with Project Leader) took place at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk at presents of 4 participants.